
About Journal

Aims and Scope

The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University - Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informatics was established in 1978 in order to publish original high-quality papers in the field of economy, as it follows: deep analysis and applications of economic phenomena, mathematical modelling of economic processes, mathematical operations research, mathematical programming, games theory, finance, management, accounting, marketing and customer knowledge management systems, methods and techniques of statistical analysis, economic intelligence, knowledge-based systems, neuronal networks and nonlinear simulation, software instruments for modelling and analysing the complex economic phenomena, econometrics, econophysics etc.

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration ( is part of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati ( and was established in 1990. The faculty does not only provide high quality education and professional development, but it also focuses on running research activities of high interest and publishing its results.


The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University - Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informatics journal is periodically published by the scientific authority of the “Development Strategies for Competitive Economic Systems” Research Centre, also known as STRATEC. Shortly after the publication of the first number in 2009, this journal was given a B+ CNCSIS grade (as a BDI indexed journal). The above mentioned journal contributes to enlarging the visibility of the research results carried out by the faculty and it also puts an emphasis on the collaboration capacities and scientific interests, joining thus other journals published by “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, which were given a B+ CNCSIS grade.

The journal is published in the following indexed data bases: 



Due to the inter-library loan system, the journal is also sent to various libraries in Germany, England, Albania, France, Belgium, Canada, Japan, Italy, Greece, India, Bulgaria, Argentina, Austria, Serbia, Spain, The United States, South Korea, Brazil, Poland etc.

The journal publishes only papers which have not been previously published in other scientific demonstrations or in other journals from our country or abroad. All submitted papers undergo a scientific thorough review process. There are also accepted for publication papers which serve as results from research grants or research-and-development projects carried out within the STRATEC Research Centre.

The journal can be purchased by either subscribing to it or by ordering it.

EAI is an open-access journal, which means that all content is freely available to users...Read more...
March 2025

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