2011 - No. 2

Demographic Composition of the Online Buyers in Turkey

Sinan Nardali

Dynamics of Remittances towards Romania after EU Adhesion

Monica Susanu

Perspectives on EU Transport Guidelines – Evaluation of Purchasing’s Consideration of Outsourcing Transport Route Services to Turkey, a New Gate From the Old Silk Way Route

Erhan Ada, Yigit Kazancoglu

The Incidence of Risk Factors on Establishing the Rental Payment by the Lessors

Maria – Andrada Georgescu

Development of a Web Marketing Plan for an e-Book – Challenges and Opportunities

Alexandru Capatina, Mourad Touzani

Association and Sequence Mining in Web Usage

Claudia Elena Dinucă

Automation of the Work intensively based on Knowledge, a Challenge for the New Technologies

Vasile Mazilescu

Econometric Model – A Tool in Financial Management

Riana Iren Radu

Challenges of Using Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Rationalizing Health Care Public Spending

Anca-Åžtefania Sava

Interactions between the Exchange Rates and the Differential of the Stock Returns between Romania and US during the Global Crisis

Razvan Stefanescu, Ramona Dumitriu

A Cross-Country Analysis Regarding the Impact of the Recent Global Crisis on the Banking Sector

Angela Roman, Alina Camelia Sargu

References on the study and research of public external operational audit of structural non-reimbursable funds an epistemological approach

Emil Lungeanu, Constantin Afanase

How Wastes Influence Quality Management

Gratiela Dana Boca, Hasan Gokkaya

Bank Tax in the European Union

Paweł Dec, Piotr Masiukiewicz

Entrepreneurial Phenomenon: Some Reasons for Career Choice Intentions

Simona Valeria Toma, Mioara Chirita, Daniela Sarpe

A Macroeconomic Perspective on Crisis Recovery

Ioana-Veronica Alexa, Gabriel-Iulian Dajbog, Costel Nistor

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