
The first articles about Economy were published in the 1978 Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati – Fascicle I. Socio-Humanistic Sciences, ISSN 1220-0753, and they were aimed at the economic challenges of the 1980s. The above mentioned articles were based on the work of the teaching staff that was lecturing Economy and The Structuring of Economic Units courses at that time. Due to the geographical location of the institution, the articles approached mainly naval (ship-building) industry, agriculture and fishing industry, from an economic perspective.

In 1994, the Fascicle turned into an independent journal that was called Management, Economy and Socio-Humanistic Sciences, ISSN 1221-4647. This journal was published yearly, undergoing the changes that occurred within the “Dunarea de Jos” University, such as the emergence of a new faculty, i.e. the Faculty of Administrative and Commercial Law. The variety of topics approached in the journal’s articles enhanced substantially when a larger number of authors, i.e. members of the teaching staff, became regular contributors to the journal. The articles focused primarily on offering an in-depth analysis on the social, economic and political changes that took place in Romania at that time, always taking into account the specific features of the region and the reasons of the research activities carried on within the University.

In 1995, the journal changed its name into the Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati – Fascicle I. Economy, ISSN 1224-9351. This name was not officially authorised until 2001, when the authorisation of the journal’s new title came as a reward for publishing articles of high-quality and for the interest that it had aroused due to its new design within the  contemporary academic environment and not only.

From 2003 up to the present day, the journal has been published under the name of Economics and Applied Informatics, ISSN 1584-0409, preserving its name of Fascicle I.  This occurred due to the increasing number of expert teaching staff with doctor’s degrees, master’s degrees, published books and monographs, and also due to the fact that the courses and lectures offered by the Faculty of Economics had improved and had become various, always relying on the demands on the regional labour market. Furthermore, the publication took pride in the number of articles (approximately 20 - 30) published yearly. There was a greater variety of topics, with a high level of innovation, and the authors of the articles received numerous good reviews from the part of great academics. The permanent self-improvement of the journal only added to the general opinion that the Faculty of Economics had evolved in terms of reputation, variety of research domains and scientific degrees acquired, and also in terms of invaluable cultural achievements throughout a decade and a half of activity. The prestige and viability of the Faculty of Economics as a highly-esteemed institution, which began to attract more and more students desiring to enrol increased unceasingly. In 2005, the journal was given a C CNCSIS grade. Beginning with 2006, the journal has been published in the first trimester of the year, and has benefited of expert university teaching staff from our country or abroad as regular contributors to it. All these people have contributed to the reinforcement of the present journal as one of great value in the economic domain. All the articles that have been published so far prove that the journal is one of high quality, due to the variety of topics approached and the scientific contributions in various research sub-domains, with authors either from our country or from abroad.  From the last evaluation of the journal, the coordinating team has tried to publish in the past three numbers the most valuable research-based results chosen from a great variety of papers sent for publication. The selection process carried on the past three years was strict, and it tried constantly to provide an objective yet friendly analysis of the papers and topics presented by the authors in their submitted paper (beginning with REC2009-one paper of REC2009 must be published in one number of Annals). The scientific board, made up of distinguished names from both national and international economic research field, have contributed to the emergence of a certain trend regarding the journal’s high-quality articles and have attracted on their side various partners, such as young candidates for a doctor’s degree, university teaching staff and even researchers from outside the academic environment.

In 2007, the journal was given toward coordination and scientific management to the Development Strategies for Competitive Economic Systems - STRATEC Research Centre, in order to disperse the results obtained by the member-researchers of the above mentioned research centre.

The editorial board has managed to link the research activities unfolded at “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati – The Faculty of Economics within the Development Strategies for Competitive Economic Systems Research Centre with other research activities based on both national and international projects, and the  research results were most of the time synthesized and published in the journal.

Last but not least, the visibility of the scientific contents of the publication has substantially enhanced, due to the appearance of an independent site of the journal, i.e. www.ann.ugal.ro/eco .

From 2012 the journal has been published as follow: 

               The first issue - Deadline March 15, date of publication April 20

               The second issue - Deadline July 15, date of publication August 20.

               The third issue - 
Deadline November 15, date of publication December 20.

There is also an extra-number of the journal in which there are published the papers which have been accepted and presented within the International Conference “Risk in Contemporary Economy” a conference under the care of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati (www.ugal.ro), in collaboration with various research centres from our country and from abroad, and also with other highly-esteemed organisations within the economic field.   

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January 2025

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