Insights Into Food Buying Decision Maricica Stoica, Dimitrie Stoica, Cezar Ionut Bichescu An Introduction to Process Modelling and Simulation Using Plant Simulation. Energy Consumption Constantin Ilie, Margareta Ilie The Role and Impact of Chatbots in Communication Between Clients and Institutions/Companies Adrian Vasile LazarescuHow COVID-19 Pandemic Shifted IT Software Development from Waterfall to Agile Andreea Teodora IacobUWB’s Big Leap: The Niche Tech Set to Disrupt IoT Connectivity Dan-Alex Ceaușescu-Constantinescu, Claudiu ChiriacThe Role of IoT and Big Data Analytics in Driving Sustainable Management Transformation Simona Corina Dobre Gudei, Elena GurguAssets and Liabilities Management: A Determinant of Financial Performance of Pension Funds Administrators (PFAs) Moses Tunde Oyerinde, Folake Feyisayo Olowokudejo, Musa Adebayo ObalolaExploring Technology's Impact on Digitalization, Leadership, and Employee Performance: A Case Study of Local Authorities in Mauritius Leenshya Gunnoo, Eric Bindah, Sudursun ThakoorA Bibliometric Expedition through Augmented Reality and Web3's Impact on Ecotourism Destinations Adrian Micu, Alexandru Capatina, Mihaela-Carmen Muntean, Angela-Eliza Micu, Iulian Adrian Sorcaru“Business Concept Proofing 3.0” - A New Model for Validating and Testing Product Ideas in the Digital Environment Bezhovski Zlatko◊ Global Financial Crisis 2007-2009, Debt Crisis 2009-2011, Covid-19 Crisis 2020, and Energy Crisis and Inflation 2022: Causes, Implications and Policy Response (Globally and Kosovo) - Article retracted by the authors after the journal's publication - download Altina Kamberaj, Naim KamberajExamining Volatility Spillover between India and Global Emerging Stock Markets during COVID 19 and Russia-Ukraine War Crisis Veerendra Anchan, Harshita Maurya, Aastha Panchamia, Aakriti LakhanpalExploring Economic Dynamics and Urbanization in the Context of Environmental Impact: A Study on Capital Flows, Investment Trends, and Urban Growth Sandip SarkerThe Perceptions of Romanian Students on the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies Maria Cristina EnacheAn Evaluative Study of Perceptions Regarding Educational Loans in India Mohammad Junaid Alam, Uznain Haji, Duha MasoodiThe Contribution of the Accounting Professional to the Maintenance of Company Capital – Applicability in Consumer Cooperatives in Dâmbovița County Marinela-Daniela Manea, Mariana ZamfirAssessing Volatility Behaviors of Cross-Currency Derivatives in India's Exchange Markets Using Machine Learning Algorithms Aman Shreevastava, Bharat Kumar Meher, Virgil Popescu, Ramona Birau, Mritunjay MahatoThe Impact of Religious and Ethnic Diversity on Business and Public Policies Strategies Iustin Cornel Petre, Kamer-Ainur AivazLeadership and Organizational Culture in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Trends and Contributions Alexandra Maria SpânuThe Impact of GRI-Compliant Sustainability Reporting on CO₂e Emissions, an Analysis of Environmental and ESG Performances Ștefania Mariana Voicu, Mihaela Denisa Coman, Dan Marius ComanThe Dynamic Transformation of the Real-Estate Market in Romania Daniela Nechita, Ioana Lazarescu, Cristina-Gabriela ZamfirSWOT Analysis: Comparing and Evaluating Methods of Measuring Shadow Economy Lavinia Mastac, Diane Paula Corina VanceaSentiment Analysis of Students' Feedback Using the VADER Model for Teaching Process Assessment Gianina MihaiEmergence of Technology Driven Promotional Strategies for Commercialised Indian Cinema Singh Vikash, Dahiya Surbhi, Abraham Albert, Tausif AhmadConceptual Approach to Selection Bias and its Impact on Recruitment Practices Andreea BunicaThe Knowledge Management of Small Entities versus Big Entities Csősz CsongorThe Impact of Communication Campaigns in Increasing Organizational Performance Andrei Vizitiu, Alexandru Sebastian Chihaia, Cosmin MatișThe Impact of Business Incubators on the Performance of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Oana Pricopoaia, Stefan Adrian Susanu, Nicoleta Cristache, Irina Olimpia SusanuParticipation in Lifelong Learning Depending on Economic Development and Educational Attainment level: A Statistical Approach Using Two-Way ANOVA Iulia Oana Stefanescu, Raluca TrandafirArtificial Intelligence in Education: Global Trends, Clusters, and Perspectives Cristina Barbu, Corina SbugheaNavigating the Challenges and Ethics of AI in Shaping the Future of Work for Sustainable Industry 4.0 Mioara Chirita, Daniela-Ancuta SarpeEconomic Benefits of Implementing Software Sensors in Industrial Processes George ChiritaBeyond Borders: Exploring International Students Satisfaction. The case of an Eastern European University Cristina Duhnea, Andreea-Daniela MoraruBlockchain Technology in Scientific Literature. Bibliometric Approach Radu-Octavian Kovács, Florina Oana VîrlănuțăFinancial Inclusion and Monetary Policy: A Review of Literature Simona Elena CiobanuTourism Transformed: How Netflix’s „Wednesday” Enhanced Destination Marketing in Busteni, Romania Razvan Tiberiu Radu, Alina C. RaduThe Role of Fintech in Driving Financial Inclusion: A Review of Literature Mina-Mădălina TomaClassification and Recognition in the Large Language Models Context Adrian DoroimanArtificial Intelligence and International Business: Transforming Economic Landscapes and Business Administration Practices Adrian Valentin Buță, Mihaela Neculiță, Miruna CărbunaruThe Role of Medical Leadership in the Performance of Human Resources Ștefan-Daniel FloreaStudying Regional Disparities at European Level with a View to Achieving Climate Neutrality Objectives Monica Laura Zlati, Angelica Buboi (Dănăilă), Costinela Fortea, Alina Meca, Valentin Marian AntohiThe Influence of the Brand on the Purchasing Behavior of Agricultural Machinery Aurelian-Cosmin BalanThe Diamond Model of Porter to Measure Rural Regions' Competitiveness: A Case from Bulgaria Yovka Bankova, Tsvetelina TsvetanovaThe Impact of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on Biodiversity in Romania Petruța-Simona Grosu (Simion)Challenges of Knowledge: Information Selection Cătălin Vasile Iordache, Constanța PopescuKey Features of GPT Learning Paradigm Mădălina PanăExploring the Impact of Digital Technologies on Consumer Behavior in the Post-Pandemic Era Anca-Luiza HoțoiBibliometric Analysis of Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Education: A Comprehensive Overview Ina Nimerenco, Ana Maria BadeaData Analysis in Online Education: Tools and Techniques for Improving Academic Performance Marian Stan, Mihai Ciobotea, Mihaela Covrig, Doina Liliana BadeaAnalysis of the Sephora Company – Model of a Sustainable Transnational Corporation Mariana Pintilie, Daniel StadoleanuRomania – Bulgaria Parallel Analysis of Foreign Trade in Wine and Wine Products Ionut Laurentiu Petre, Steliana Mocanu, Dan Gabriel Costea, Gabriel-Petre GoreckiThe Current State of Multiple Crises Research - Challenges and Perspectives Cătălina Elena VarticWorkforce Mobility in Eastern Europe: Dynamics and Economic Impact Diana-Mihaela Tirca, Razvan BujorResearch on competition on the market of agro-food products in the Republic of Moldova Ludmila Mogîldea, Loredana Adriana Saghin (Dima), Viorica Guțan, Constanta Laura Zugravu, Ina Mogîldea, Ionica Soare, Gheorghe Adrian ZugravuThe Sheep and Goat Sector in Romania: Economic Perspectives and Development Directions Adrian Petre Liptac, Silvius StanciuValorization of Intellectual Property According to IAS 38 at the Level of Companies in Romania Mihaela-Cristina Ibinceanu Onica, Salome ApostolThe Impact of the Romanian Tax System Optimizing on Sustainable Economic Development Marian Socoliuc, Mihaela Ionela SocoliucEconomic and Management Applications of Brain – Computer Interface Technology Oana Ștefania Coșa, Daniela Georgiana Golea, Felix Constantin Goldbach
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